Henry's 1st Birthday Party

Sunday, August 14, 2016

YOU GUYS! Henry James Muir is officially one whole year old! If that isn't worth celebrating I don't know what is! Now, I won't get into all the mushiness, I covered that in his 12 month post. This is all about the celebration!

We would have loved to spend this special day with all of our loved ones, but our current situation just makes that too hard. However, we are SO incredibly lucky to have a family who makes up for that! Henry received so many sweet presents in the mail from his grandparents and great grandparents, my mom even made sure I had a cute little cake stand for Henry's cake! And I cannot imagine how we would be surviving with the few family members that we do have near by this summer. Mandy was her usual helpful self. She filled my #1 balloon with helium, and watched Henry while I frosted the cake!

The night before the birthday, Kirby and I set up Henry's little Teepee and got his play room ready...and then at about 2 am (shortly after I got in bed) the fire alarm went off in the entire building. We didn't get back to bed until after 4...so Henry and I slept in and woke up to Kirby, who came home after his meeting to see Henry finding his surprise. It was a great way to start the day after a rough night!

Then, after work Kirby, Keegan and Mandrew came over to help us celebrate! 

Henry LOVED smashing his cake and smearing it all over...and when I say all over...I mean every inch of everything within a 2 foot radius. The entire time he was saying "oooooh oh oh ooooh." It was pretty much the best thing ever. 

Then after a short bath he opened his presents. Man oh man is that little boy loved. Everything he got was perfect, and he goes from one to the next, loving every ounce of them all!

We are so thankful for our sweet one year old and the people who love him!

HENRY IS ONE! (Henry's 12th month)

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Over the past few days Kirby and I have played the game of "Last year at this time we were..." and have been reliving the moments leading up to Henry's birth. Last year, at this time, we were sleeping (or at least trying to) with a PERFECT little babe, swaddled and sleeping in a little hospital bassinet between our beds. Last year I was going through middle names for my baby. Last year I could not get over the fact that a tiny, beautiful body, the little body I had built and housed within my own for the last 9 month was tangible, and snoozing away just inches away from me. Last year, for the first time, I experienced a love stronger and more deep than any emotion I had ever imagined. Last year, at this time, I was becoming a Mama.

"He is (magical...amazing...wonderful...perfect...[wordless and baffled head-shakes]...everything)." This is a phrase Kirby or I will say at least 5 times a day, and I'm not kidding. Henry is (fill in the blank). If my heart could jump out of my body and type this passage for me it STILL would not be able to get my feelings across accurately. My baby boy is ONE year old! An entire year! I have kept myself unnecessarily this last week, to avoid the emotions that are now spilling out. I'm a puddle. 

I know that he is just one day older than yesterday, but now, when people ask I can no longer answer his age in months, and that makes him feel too grown up because he really is still a baby, my baby.

Henry is more than just a ray of sunshine. He is the sunshine. He is brighter than the sunshine. He is my sunshine.

At one year old, he babbles constantly, a lot of the time we "hear" him say words, but the only consistent words he says are still "Mama" and "Dada."
He has absolutely no interest in standing on his own, let alone walking. Sometimes this stresses me out, but Kirby always gets on me, and says it is all because of his crazy height (we go to the doc in a week and a half to get precise measurements).
He waves hello and goodbye. Actually, he has two different waves. One where he opens and closes his fingers, this is most common. When he is really excited to say "hi" he flaps his whole arm.
He is a social laugher. If anyone around him (for example the guys at the table next to us at In N Out last night) laughs, he will through his head back and force out the funniest fake laugh with his mouth open as wide as can be.
He points at little things and whispers about it to himseld...he is so curious and attentive. He will often point and just say "Oooooooh." Seriously melts my heart.
He doesn't love very many solid foods...most of the things I put on his tray will end up on the floor or squished under his bum. But he does love pickles, veggie straw, graham crackers and is starting to like cheese.
He is still nursing and sleeping with us.
He LOVES the beach. The sand, the water, the crowds, all of it.
He sways and nods his head to music and it is the best.
When he wakes up...he WAKES up. The second his eyes are open he is on the move, with the cutest bedhead and often times lines on his face.
We still can't really tell what color his hair is. He has a lot more of it (curly in the back and to die for) but it is super light, so we can't tell if it is blonde or a little strawberry.
He is fascinated by books. He loves "Good Night Moon"
... Kirby will lay with him in bed and look at the moon light coming in through the rounded window. They will reach their arms up and wave at it while Kirby says "Good Night Moon" and it is the sweetest.

(Henry also met an apostle on Mormon night at the Angels game!)

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