Anniversary No. 2

Saturday, November 29, 2014

You all know by now that I definitely have the best human ever made to call my husband. Why? He is cute (duh), sweet (obviously), and unconditionally selfless (plainly). Want to know more? Read just about every other post I have ever written. I can't get enough of my man, or bragging about him for that matter. There is no other person on this planet (or any other) that I would have rather spent these past two years with, as they have definitely been a wild ride. 

This last year of our marriage has been a journey. We have moved from Idaho, to Texas, then back and into a house that has proved to be an exciting project. We both dived straight into our hardest round of classes and have days where we hardly see each other. We have experienced miracles unlike anything I had ever expected to happen in this life, which naturally have also brought us trials to shake everything we stand on. But we have grown closer together as we strengthen and stand by each other through it all.

This year our anniversary kind of came at a very inconvenient time. First of all it came on a Monday, second of all we both had a couple huge tests to take, third of all we were trying to prep for driving to Washington the next day, and lastly, we have had our fair share of car troubles lately and the majority of our rainy day/holiday funds have been required elsewhere...but that's what makes the first years of marriage fun right?

So our celebrations might not have been as extravagant as last year's,  but I promise you they were just as full of love, laughter, butterflies, and happy reminiscing as the day we tied the knot. 

After a long day of classes, school work, studying, and test taking, we were ready to relax and celebrate our day of love! 
First Stop: Sushi, because it is delicious and we love it.
Second stop:We took a collection of our favorite treats (each carrying a special memory) to the movie theater to watch the Mocking Jay Part 1! (We just had to, considering last year we went to Catching Fire) But before the movie started we had to get in some arcade games where I whooped him at Iceball, then he got me back by destroying me at basketball...but together we earned enough tickets to win a couple wooden tops and candies!
Third Stop: Home! We set up a cozy bed in the living room where we finished off our snacks, popped the sparkling white grape juice open, and toasted to a wonderful year of happy memories.
Fourth Stop: Our Anniversary Temple Tradition was put on hold for a couple of days...but when the day came to uphold the tradition it was extra special to be able to go through the same temple we were sealed in two years ago.

Happy Anniversary to my darling little husband who never fails to make me smile. I love Kirby Lee Muir!!!

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