Henry - 6 Months!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My oh my, how can my baby be half a year old already?? I seriously am having the hardest time coming to terms with this huge step. Kirby keeps having to remind me that it really is OK for him to grow up...and I know it is OK but why does it have to happen so dang fast? He has grown and developed SO much in 6 short months. I have been a wreck ever since Saturday when the big 6 smacked me in the face.

But, as much as I want to hold on to every little moment and drag this out for as long as possible, Henry has progressed so much and seems to be getting cuter with each passing day. I think he wants to grow up too quickly, he wants to play with, eat and do everything he sees his parents doing already...slow down little one.

His stats today are:
Height - 29 inches (100th percentile)
Weight - 19.5 pounds (81st percentile)
Head -  17.8 inches around (92nd percentile)

At 6 months he is a scooting machine. He has the inch worm down and it is just so cute when he sticks that little booty up in the air.

He babbles nonstop and has started to make more consonant sounds. His favorites are the "b's" and "p's"

He officially says MAMA! It is a newer thing, and only really happens when he cries, but man, it kills me. Anytime he cries "mama" I am ready to drop everything and give him whatever the heck he wants.

He is so dang close to sitting unsupported, but not quite there (crossing my fingers it happens this week!)

He still loves bath time...when all else fails, strip him and throw him in the water.
We have just retired his 6-9 month jammies because he is so long that his toes keep poking holes through them! (HELP!)

I try to take him around the in door track in his stroller every night and he loves people watching when we are there.

He is STILL working on those same two pesky teeth and they have been giving him a night mare.
Poor kid had an ear infection this month, and currently has another nasty, nasty cold...doc says if it isn't gone by Friday we need to test him for RSV :(

He just barely started eating some fruit and he is in love with bananas, pears, and apples so far...but no avocados yet, the one we tried gagged him almost immediately.
My mom just sent us a walker and he LOVES it.

His hair is finally starting to make a appearance.

He still loves to pull out my hair and scratch whatever surface he can reach while breastfeeding.

Karma has been getting me...after all that bragging I did about my 2 month old who slept for 10-12 hours a night without me having to do anything, my now 6 month old has been waking up every couple of hours for almost 2 months now...SOS!

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