keep the change

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

If you have ever read the little welcome blurb on my blog then you have heard that I describe our life as one of "constant change." I refer to it this way for several reasons. First of all we are both college students, in our twenties, and newly married (one year, 4 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days just in case you were wondering), so obviously life is full of your basic changes. Adapting to living with someone new, trying to keep track of bills we have never had to pay, constantly preparing and planning for the future, you know, your basic growing up stuff. But on top of that, Kirby is a part of the summer-sales club, which means we pack up and move across the country to somewhere new for 5 months out of the year only to pack up again and move back to Rexburg . . . then push repeat the next April. It literally feels like we are finally settled and getting into our grove somewhere right when the shuffle catches back up with us. . . I know this sounds like I am complaining but I swear I am not! I love not just traveling across the country each summer, but truly getting a taste for life in a place that is entirely different than home! I feel like you can't truly experience life if you are always stuck with the same people in the same city.

Plus I am a sucker for road trips, watching the scenery seamlessly change from mountains to cities to cactus to palm trees over and over again, being trapped within a foot of my sweetie for hours where we can talk about whatever and sing along to whatever and turn anything into a game. It never gets old for me! 

This year our favorite road trip pass times included: solving the trickiest riddles we could find online (8+ solid hours of riddle-solving my friends!), playing the entire Les Miserables movie soundtrack (just wait until you hear my Kirb sing Who Am I . . . I die every time haha), our own version of 20 questions (he is waaaay better than I am), listening to his motivational books (aka nap time for me), and playing "I spy something green" in New Mexico and all of western Texas (for real though, where are my trees?). Anyways . . . Did I ever mention what our destination was this time around? None other than good old Austin, Texas.

My first impression of Texas was not the best . . . it was literally like 10 hours past nothing but tumble weeds and dust, and that is not an exaggeration. I about died to think that this is where we were moving. But slowly (and I mean very slowly) we started to find some hills, green grass and small trees. Then we were in Austin. I haven't experienced much of the city yet but I can tell I will be loving it here. First of all, thank heavens to finally be near some good shopping! Second of all, hello southern barbecue and blue bell ice cream! (Don't be too surprised when we both come back with 20 extra pounds of fat). I am still a little unsure about the weather here though. When we pulled in late Sunday night it was humid as all get out and blazing hot . . . then Monday woke us up with a crazy southern storm (I definitely missed those!) and it was seriously so cold all day, and since then the warmest it has been is the low 60s. So here's to hoping that not packing a single jacket will end up being a good thing! Plus I am ready for some pool time ;)

With all that aside we love the office he is with this year, love having familiar faces nearby, love having family across the hall, and love our ever changing life! 

Pictures of the Move

He gets rather animated when singing along with Hugh Jackman . . . man I love this little nut!

While my mom was over she accused me of being sentimental, and I full-heartedly agree. It could also explain why I took a picture of every detail of our old apartment. 
This was our first home together and we shared so many special memories that are so dear to me in these rooms, so of course I want to capture the details before they are gone!

In the last week we moved from this...
(Speaking of being sentimental, I have kept and dried one flower from each bouquet of flowers Kirby has given me, ever since we were dating. That is what you see on top of our dresser!)

 . . . to this!

 It is so nice to be the first residents here. We don't have to worry about sketchy stains and most of all bugs! Woo hoo! But my very favorite part of living here is the closet space. Kirby and I finally get our own, big closets. It's a miracle!

 Sorry, this post might not be the most exciting! But what can I say, these are the moments that make up our life, so I love each and every one of them!

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