
Monday, March 31, 2014

Hey guys! Do you see that cute little instagram icon to the right? Well everyone, that means something pretty big happened in our little home this past weekend. You see, I am a 22 year old college student and yet I have made it these 22 years without ever owning a smart-phone . . . but that all changed on Saturday!

I went from my solid little sliding keyboard phone to a brand new iphone 5s! It still kind of freaks me out . . . mostly because A) it is pretty expensive compared to my cheapy phone, and B) It is way too fragile for my clumsy hands!

My last phone has been dropped into the pool a couple of times (and one of those times it sat at the bottom for a couple minutes), chewed on my all sorts of babies, and accidentally slid off my lap onto the driveway just about every time I stepped out of the car. Oh yeah, and I leave it EVERYWHERE, but no one ever wanted to steal it so it didn't matter if it was at Wal-Mart over night, or hanging out at some park all alone because it would always still be there when I went back for it. And that little trooper never failed me! No cracks, no chips, no faulty screen, nothing. But I get the feeling I will have to be a liiiiittle more careful with this new gadget of mine, so wish me luck!

I am however looking forward to quite a few things. I have been excited to join the "instagram club" for quite some time now. It'll nice to be able to finally be a part of group messages. Plus, now that I have more use for my phone I will probably have it on me more, which means no more missed calls or texts!

On a completely different note, there is something else that worries me. I have been to way too many gatherings and parties where half of the group was too distracted by scrolling through their phone to join in on the conversation. I have seen way too many couples out on a date, both constantly unlocking their phone for a quick scroll through. And way too many mom's ignoring their kids in an effort to catch up with social media. This scares me because I know that it could be easy to fall into that pattern. But in this way I am lucky to have never yet had the chance to get pulled in that direction, and I am even more lucky to have a husband who has always been so good at putting his web-life away to be a good husband, son, brother, and friend. Let's hope I can learn to do the same!

So again, wish me luck as I adjust to this somewhat large change in my life.


  1. Hey Madison I am so glad you love your phone. I am even more happy that you are aware of the trap a phone can be. I just read a study about how normally attentive parents neglect their kids with out even being aware of how much they do it. It was sad. Love the blog! Love you more.

    1. dad....or both of you haha. Having that phone has been such a life saver lately! It helped us get here without using up Kirby's data for GPS, gave us some new tunes from pandora to listen to when we needed a change, and has helped me take care of school and work stuff until we had internet hooked up. But you are right, so many scary things can happen with them, but I am determined to not let that happen! Love you!


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