
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Motherhood has been on my mind a lot over the past 6 months or so, as I have watched and felt this baby grow inside me. I am going to be a mom in just a few short months, and yet I feel that that one simple title, is something that I am not worthy to hold. It's funny how three little letters have such a powerful influence. 

As a woman, one of the greatest powers we hold is the power to be a mom. I have had many women step up in my lives as mother figures, my grandmas, aunts, family friends, mother-in-law, and of course my actual mom. Each of these women have influence my life and taught me lessons that will live on with me forever. 

But, of course, no one has effected my life quite as entirely as my mom has. She has always been there to take care of me, from the time when I was an infant and completely reliant on her love and care, until now, when I am married, across the country and expecting a child of my own. 

I remember being a little girl and crying to my mom, begging her to never make me go to college, because I couldn't stand the thought of not having her near by. And now, at 23, I still cry every time they come to visit and I have to say good bye to the woman who I am honored to call mother. 

She cut my sandwiches just the way I liked them, brought me my homework or lunch to school each time I was forgetful on my way out the door, did and re-did my hair until my picky little self was happy, attended each of my dance/piano/choir/cheer performances, taught me to say my prayers and read my scriptures, held FHE for our family each week, sat by me every time I was sick, taught me how to be a true friend, and has been an unwavering example of the type of mother I wish to be.

When I think about holding the title of Mom, I feel confident in the knowledge that I have seen the type of mom I wish to be and if I can only emulate her example I will be successful. Our little boy is lucky to call this woman his grandmother, just as I am lucky to call her my mom.

Happy Mothers day Mom! And to all you mothers, and mothers-to-be! May you always recognize how special you are. Love you!

And now a shout out to my sweet husband, who made today oh so special for me with gorgeous flowers and the sweetest card that instantly brought me to tears. As I step into this new phase of life, being a mother, there is no one I would rather have by my side as the father to our son. I love you Kirby!

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