Birth Story: Henry James Muir

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

(Funny story: This isn't the original post...I had a very detailed story all typed out, and then I realized that most of you probably don't want the gory details, and even more of you are just here for the cute baby pictures. So I saved you some trouble, and here is the shortened version of Henry's birth story!)

August 13, 2015 is one day I know I can never forget. I have never experienced more emotions at once, than I did on that remarkable day, the day my sweet baby came into this world.

This isn't your typical birth story, but what really is "typical" anyway?

With recommendations from my doctor, lots of prayers from us and our family, a couple blessings from my husband, and lots of pro and con lists...we had our baby induced a week early. I know a lot of people might disagree with our decision, but we listened to our hearts and set up the appointment...the day before.

Thursday morning at 7:30, we walked through the doors of the hospital with our carefully packed bags, sweaty palms, and anticipation for what lay ahead.

Once in the room, it all happened quickly. I changed into my gown, had my husband give me my billionth blessing of the week, and then settled into my bed. They stuck my IV in, poked and prodded, and had me sign endless piles of paperwork. By the time they actually got the pitocin going I was dilated 3 cm, and 90% effaced, so this baby was ahead of us and the induction!

Around 4:30 it was time for baby to make his way out.

It all happened SO fast!

After a couple pushes the baby's heart rate started to drop...the cord was being pressed up against his chest, making it hard to breathe. I was a little in shock, but I can only remember one emotion, that existed in me during those moments...terror. Between each push, when I was supposed to be focusing on breathing I couldn't do anything but ask if the baby, MY baby, was alright. The nurses kept saying he would be fine, but that we needed to get his heart rate up...which, of course, I took to mean that he was not fine and gave me strength I didn't know I had.

With a little help from the doctor and a pair of scissors...he came out in one more push. The entire crazy process took no more that 15-20 minutes...

Henry James Muir officially entered this world at 4:55 pm.

As soon as I saw the tiny body that I had created within my own, and heard the perfect sound of his healthy cry, I erupted into the tears that I had been holding back since 7:30 that morning.

They wrapped him in a towel and placed him on my chest.

I continued to cry as I laid there looking at the perfect face resting on my chest, and my husband leaned over the two of us stroking my hair and kissing our baby OUR baby.

All the fear, anxiety, pain, exhaustion, love, joy, anticipation, and every other emotion we had experienced that day came out in an explosion of feelings. Kirby and I talk about that moment all the time now, and have yet to find the words to describe the way we felt as we saw, touched, and kissed for the first time, the baby we had been waiting for for 9 months.

Henry James Muir:
Born: August 13, 2015 in Lewisville, Texas
Weight: 7 pounds, 8.3 ounces
Length: 20.5 inches
Perfection Grade: 100%

{My entire left side went COMPLETELY numb from the epidural, as you can see in my face! I couldn't open my left eye all the way OR really smile on that half either. I thought I was paralyzed...}

  {Check out that pinky!}
 {The doctors/nurses could not get over how strong this boy has been since day one! The second the placed him on the scale he rolled over and tried to pull himself out.}

{Kirby has always slept like he is in a swaddle...all tucked in with just his head sticking out. The similarity was killing me!}

{The instant bond between these two might have had me a little jealous if I wasn't so obsessed with this father/son combo}
 {Kirby is the master swaddler}
{This is totally candid, Kirby was so surprised when he found this on my camera. I can't get over how happy our baby makes my sweetheart of a husband}

 {We are so happy that Uncle Keegan and Krista were able to come visit in the hospital!}


 {This kid LOVES getting clean}
{I am obsessed with him}

Looking back on the first few days with our precious little boy I forget the pain and exhaustion... I only remember the love and amazement we felt.

And I wouldn't trade these moments for the world.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are perfect!!! I love every one! Congrats to your cute new family member!


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