I'm a closet Harry Potter freak...mostly because I feel like the people who openly call themselves Harry Potter freaks are just looking for attention or something, and don't actually care about Harry Potter, at least not as much as I think they should. Guys, even my closest friends don't know what these books mean to me.
When I was in 3rd grade my Nana was visiting with us, she brought this brand new book with her (she is a librarian, so this was pretty regular). At night she would read me a chapter or so before I went to bed...this book was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I instantly fell in love...hard. When Nana had to leave, I cried (also pretty regular) and begged that she at least leave the book. She obliged, and said she would finish reading it to me next time she came. Guys, how on earth can you wait to finish such a magical book once you are caught under it's spell?? So it then started, my (almost unhealthy) habit of reading before bed. There were several times that my mom had to come take the book away and turn off the light forcing me to go to bed.
Once I had finished one of the books I would start it over and over until the next book came out, and I would repeat the cycle. Which explains how I have read them all at least 6 times (honestly I'm being modest here because I'm not even counting the several times I have listened to each audio book).
To this day, the only "music" on my iphone is one of the audio-book (I alternate). Once I had to read a biography for a 4th grade project...and I read JK Rowling's. I played the theme song for the movies, on the piano for my 7th grade talent show. Henry had heard books 4-7 by the time he turned 10 months old. I could go on but honestly it's kind of embarrassing and also comes across a little braggy...am I right?
I cried, legit tears, when we walked through the arch into Hogsmeade. It was every bit as magical as I had dreamed. I wanted to touch, stare at, practically kiss everything we passed. The music, the costumes, the buildings, each trinket, all of it, it was all perfect.
The castle...there are no words. Being inside Hogwarts was one of the best feelings I have experienced. I took as many videos and pictures as possible, but the candle light made it hard for mere muggle cameras to capture.
I am not a ride person, not at all, but I went on the ride in the castle, and LOVED it. I had to squeeze Kirby's hand more than once. I was yelling our charms and curses, reaching for the snitch and clapping along with the rest of Gryffindor house (who was in the lead for the house cup btw, according the rubies in the hall). It was magic, pure magic.
We explored Zonkos, got our own wizard cards set and left Honeydukes with our pockets bulging with sweets.
Olivanders...the small shop bursting with magic. We got to see a young wizard fitted to his very own wand. I gasped and cheered and felt butterflies with him as he tried wand after wand and finally found his perfect fit. We then were able to get a close look at the wands of each of our favorite characters! Each one so different, unique, and full of personality. Luna's was one of my favorites, the handle was the shape of a delicate tulip.
Have I mentioned the Butterbeer? It was heaven. Straight heaven in a cup. Creamy, buttery, perfect, heaven.
I met wizards from each house at Hogwarts, saw girls from Beauxbaton and boys from Durmstrang. I witnessed arguments between paintings in the corridors at Hogwarts, saw mandrakes ready to be pulled from their pots, had steam from a dragon's mouth blown straight in my face, sipped butterbeer outside the Three Broomsticks, heard owls hooting, spells being cast, and whispers about You Know Who. I lived, for a brief moment, in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and I will never forget that day (and my next visit, or two) for as long as I live.