Henry - 11 months

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Boy have we had a crazy month, little guy. You have always been so good at coping with excitement and curve balls that throw off your schedule, I truly appreciate that.

You are completely obsessed with the beach. I finally decided to let a little loose on the reigns and let you explore in the sand. Boy did you love crawling around and eating that sand by the handful. You have loved water since day one, and that love has only grown.

You are still eating baby food and nursing...we try different food with you all the time and you just spit it right back out! We haven't pushed too hard, but soon my dear, soon we will get you eating table food. For now you can stick to your puree and cheerios.

You are getting more sturdy on your feet, but still need something to lean on to stand. I probably should be trying to get you to stand and walk on your own, but I know that once you take your first step my baby will be that much more grown up.

You actually love fireworks (which is funny because every time the servers sing happy birthday to someone at a restaurant too loud, you lose it), as we found out at an Angels game and then solidified on the 4th.

You think daddy and I are the funniest people alive, which I love. You also get a kick out of the silly snap chat filters!

You love your books, especially Good Night Moon. I have to keep them out of reach so you don't love them to death.

I just barely pulled the 18-24 month clothes out of their bin, and you have started to wear a few items already, mostly just the jammies. Can you please stop growing??

You are sick, again, and got your first big owie this morning (a fat, bloody lip)...so daddy and GG have gotten a lot of frantic calls from mama over the past few days. And the doctors have seen a lot of me, I take you in for EVERYTHING. I just hate seeing my little boo boo suffer, it honestly hurts me more than it probably hurts you.

We love you, and can't say it enough. Thank you for being our sweet boy, you will always be our baby.


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